Research Letters
DNH 109: A fragmentary hominin near-proximal ulna from Drimolen, South Africa
Submitted: 05 October 2010 | Published: 12 May 2011
About the author(s)
Andrew Gallagher, Department of Anthropology and Development Studies, University of Johannesburg, South AfricaColin G. Menter, Department of Anthropology and Development Studies, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Total abstract views: 1622Total article views: 2602
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Crossref Citations
1. Macromammalian faunas, biochronology and palaeoecology of the early Pleistocene Main Quarry hominin-bearing deposits of the Drimolen Palaeocave System, South Africa
Justin W. Adams, Douglass S. Rovinsky, Andy I.R. Herries, Colin G. Menter
PeerJ vol: 4 first page: e1941 year: 2016
doi: 10.7717/peerj.1941